Our company, the limbic system is complex but also important and one of the oldest companies in the world of evolutionary brain that has fascinated anatomists, neurologists, and neuroscientists for more than 50 years. Paul Broca was one of the anatomists of the company, as he was the one who noticed a ring of cortical tissue forming a border around the brainstem and medial aspects of the brain. Hence he named our company ‘Limbic' which in Latin means 'border’ . He thought our company is a business of olfaction because it has interconnections with other companies like evolutionarily older rhinencephalon, or “smell brain.” Although another anatomist called James Papez suggested that our company is a more precise circuit or system and it’s significant job is to mediate emotional behaviour. Our company was ahead of time based on its job of processing emotions, and therefore has always received limelight for our work in such a field of emotions, as well as in olfaction, learning, and memory.
Broca defined the company to include structures on the medial and basal surfaces of the cerebral hemisphere. The company consists of a group and the significant members of the group are Cingulate gyrus, Hippocampus, Amygdala, Thalamus, Hypothalamus and Basal ganglia. Interesting fact about our company is that it is most developed in our mammals clientele and therefore has gained the reputation of a mammalian brain. Infact one of the clients, like crocodile, deals with our company as regards to the entire company of forebrain.
In neuropsychology, the company has achieved success in the form of interest, due to its contribution in the fields of emotion and memory. Extensive research has been conducted on the several components of our highly interconnected company. But due to high interconnectivity the relationship between the group members and their roles or function is difficult to discern. The dysfunction of our company can cause a variety of abnormalities including emotional and behavioural problems in the human clientele. Even though the company’s popularity among the researchers is great, the complexities of the system’s connections, internally as well as to other areas outside the system, and the disagreement about which group members should be included in the company, puzzle the modern neuropsychologist. They suggest that instead of focusing on the company as whole the members should be precisely defined.